Friday, November 19, 2010


Diam tak diam dah sampai penghujung tahun. Princess Yin Yin dah tamat  graduation daynya hari ahad lepas. Sungguh teruja melihat keletah anak-anak kecil membuat persembahan. Walaupun tahun ni tak sehebat tahun-tahun yang lalu tapi tetap menghiburkan.

Princess YinYin dapat watak Mother duck. Tapi sayang topi yang dipakainya telah menutup mukanya. apalagi bila dia asyik membelakangi audience. Tak banyak gambarnya yang boleh diambil tapi still enjoy to see her on stage.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Emo Tak Stabil!

Last 2 days emo bonda memang tak stabil. Marah, sedih, gembira pun ada jugak. Entahlah kenapa.
Alhamdulillah hari ni bonda dah tenang. Hopefully....semuanya ok....Lemah badan ni kalau asyik nak marah...

Malam tadi The 2 Princess tunjukkan markah peperiksaan akhir mereka. Agak mengecewakan jugak sebab tak mencapai target yang dikehendaki. Memang dua-dua kena basuh especially bila tengok yang salah rupanya soalan yang mudah. Walaupun masih dalam lingkungan ok sebab tak ada C tapi still ....

Malam tadi tengok ada perubahan sikit pada Princess Mimie. Pagi ni pun dia bangun awal dari bonda. Jangan hangat-hangat tahi ayam dah.....

Harapan bonda cuma nak lihat peribadi dan ketrampilan serta prestasi pembelajaran yang baik dari 3 Princess. Hopefully they learn something from all that had happened these few days....

Bonda will always support your good intentions if and only if you know that it comes with lots of hopes. That is you learn something from it each day and try your best to improve yourself to be a better child. Not just to me but overall to the community.

Discipline is something that you need to develop it in yourself. No one can make you to do it unless you yourself wanted to do it. It started from the moment you wake up from your sleep until you are far asleep. Plan and determine your goal for each day and acts towards achieving it. If you want to be discipline then it will follow you just like a shadow and will guide you to a great victory. In simple words : BE A GOOD DAUGHTER, GOOD STUDENT AND GOOD HAMBA ALLAH. That goes to me too....

Well, I do feel better today emosianally but my stomach seems to have problems.... Need to go then...

P/S: Thanks for all the support given.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


It's easy to say go to school and make sure you listen to your teacher's. But how much do they really learn? Do they know how to use it in their lives? Practically it's not that easy to teach them. We can say this and that.Teach them everything that we know. But how can we be sure they understand it. How can we make them understand that they need to know it, they need to have knowledge to guide them through their lives?

Today, bonda naik angin dengan 3 Princess especially Princess Mimie. Dah banyak kali diingatkan benda yang sama tapi masih juga tak faham dan tak mau faham. Entah kenapa asyik je naik angin dengan 3 princess. Sometimes rasa nak pergi jauh je dari tanggungjawab yang berat ni. Tapi inilah anugerah Tuhan dan inilah dugaanNya. Makin tambah usia 3 Princess makin bertambah jugalah tanggungjawab bonda untuk memastikan semuanya ok. From A to Z.

At time like this make me wish there's someone here with me, support me and give me solutions even though it's a silly one.  But hey! I'm alone eventhough I do have a partner.  Not that I wanna complaint or what but sometimes it's there Questioning me towards my life.

I guess Lonely will never leaves me behind. Always there where ever I go. That's what I feel now. Lucky me the only things that keep me going is my desire to do it right. My way. Not what people say or what people think. Just my way..............................

There are so many things inside my thick head. Feel like it's gonna explode. Got to be more patient and leaves it to God then.

Ya Allah,
Ya Rohman,
Ya Rohim,
Ya Malik,
Ya Qudus,
Ya Salam,
Ya Mu'min,
Ya Muhaimin,
Ya Aziz,
Ya Jabar,
Ya Mutakabbir...................................