Wednesday, May 5, 2010

An Excuse From The Princess

Princess Mimie always has an excused not to go to school. Today her excuse is stomach ache. Two days ago she got a headache.  Don't know why it's so hard to make childrens go to school voluntarily. Is it because of the new challenge of life or is it because they just don't understand why it is so important to have knowledge in these world. God... help me....raising children is so tough nowadays.

Then on the other side of the story it is rather pity for childrens nowadays to have such a lot of classes. In the morning till lunch time they have to go to the Sekolah Kebangsaan. In the afternoon they have to go to Sekolah Agama. Not to mention the Cocurriculum and tuition and so on....

Then there's these global warming which we cannot denied is also gives effects to our health. hot.... especially when it's time for the children to take their trip home from school.....

May God give us patience and courage to walk through our tough lifes.

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